Linseeds 25kg - Bread Mixes - Dawson's Wholesale Foods - Dawsons Wholesale
Ben Furney

Linseeds 25kg

Product Code:

BEN FURNEY Linseeds –
 Free flowing cleaned and graded seeds, uniform red-brown in colour free of agglomeration and foreign material.

This product is a natural raw material where appearance and nutritional information can vary due to grain variety, growing conditions and seasonal influence. 


Allergens –
 Contains: Wheat & Gluten due to common facility.


Country Of Origin – China.


Shelf Life – 6 Months.


Storage – Cool dry storage at ambient temperature.


Certification – Halal & Kosher Certified.


Suitable for Vegans.

Technical Specifications
CV_PrimaryCat Dry Food
CV_SecondaryCat Bakery Specialty
CV_TertiaryCat Bread Mixes
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