Vanilla Paste 750ml - Other - Dawson's Wholesale Foods - Dawsons Wholesale

Vanilla Paste 750ml

Product Code:

HEILALA Vanilla Paste - 
Sweetly scented with distinctive fruity characteristics, Heilala Vanilla Pure Vanilla Paste is full of distinctive dark vanilla seeds.

Made with vine ripened Heilala Vanilla Tongan Madagascar bourbon vanilla beans, each vanilla bean is grown with integrity and hand-selected by local Tongan farmers.

This vanilla bean paste is made by carefully blending three-month cold extracted pure vanilla bean extract with vanilla bean seeds. Heilala vanilla bean paste provides exceptional concentrated vanilla aroma and flavour. 

Heilala Vanilla Paste is made with real vanilla seeds suspended in pure concentrated Vanilla Extract resulting in a conveniently spoon able paste perfect for ice cream, shortbread, and panna cotta.


1 teaspoon of vanilla bean paste provides the flavour and seed equivalent of 1 whole vanilla bean. 

Technical Specifications
CV_PrimaryCat Chilled Food
CV_SecondaryCat Desserts
CV_TertiaryCat Other