
Vanilla Topping 3ltr

Product Code:

COTTEES Vanilla Topping -
 Light floral notes and is ideal to use in milkshakes, biscuits, and cakes.

The syrup is dairy free catering to a wide range of customers.

The screwcap bottle is filled with 3L of vanilla flavoured syrup and can easily pour into appropriate containers.

Cottee's Vanilla Flavoured Syrup elevates your desserts with light floral sweetness. 


Country Of Origin –
 Made in New Zealand from local and imported ingredients.


Allergens – Contains: Wheat.


Storage – Store below 25°C in clean, dry conditions and protected from direct sunlight. 

Shelf Life – 18 Months from manufacturing date.

Gluten Free.

Technical Specifications
CV_PrimaryCat Dry Food
CV_SecondaryCat Desserts
CV_TertiaryCat Toppings/Pumps/Granitas
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